Indoor Activities for Kids in Rainy Day

Indoor Activities for Kids in Rainy Day

Whether it’s a rainy day, a school snow day or just too blasted hot to go out, sometimes kids neet to play inside for the day. That doesn’t mean kids can’t have some fun, but at the same time, it doesn't mean you have to let the Cat in the Hat's buddies Thing 1 and Thing 2 run wild in your house.

These fun indoor rainy day activities will keep kids busy, happy, and playing independently while parents attend to other things. These ideas are geared toward work-at-home parents who need activities for kids that they can do on their own, but any parent with a bored kid on a rainy day can appreciate this indoor fun.

  • 1. Fort Building
    Readily available and guaranteed to deliver some well-padded play, pillows can be used in multiple ways. One of the most timeless indoor activities? Pillow forts, of course! Whether using couch components or ruffled, round, or ultra-plush pillows, building forts bolstered by furniture and covered in blankets can create a creative and cozy cavern for spurring a child’s imagination.

  • 2.Balloon Ball
    Looking for a wacky way to play ball in the house that won’t breaking any furniture or have the game end in bumps and tears? All you need is a balloon – a blow-up ball can work, too! Line up some pillows to act as a net, and you’re ready to go!

  • 3. Broccoli Trees
    Many kids can’t stand broccoli, no matter how many times you put it in front of them. So put their raw snack-time leftovers to another use. Dip a broccoli stem into brown paint, press it evenly onto a piece of paper, and boom– happy little trees that will have kids painting like Bob Ross. Let them express their creativity and complete their masterpieces by painting in flowers and foliage with fingers and brushes.

  • 4. Charades
    A classic game of charades is not only a silly way for kids to be expressive, but it’s also a quiet activity for indoor play that can go on for as little or as much time as you want. Charades gets kids up and moving while helping them become better communicators in a way that’s fun and interactive. Kids can even make up their own categories for the game in addition to the classics: TV shows, songs, sports, animals, professions, etc. All you need is a bit of imagination and a good hat or bowl for shuffling up your ideas to get started.

  • 5. Crafty Cards
    Card-giving is often associated just with special occasions and holidays. Make it an everyday affair and craft some homemade cards together that let kids feel special, through both giving and receiving. Let them customize the perfect card for friends, family, and even pets using stickers, stencils, markers, and more!

  •  6.Five Things  
    Lists aren’t just for completing tasks or reminders. They can be an engaging way for kids to express their emotions, and let moms and dads know how they are feeling to start a bigger dialogue. Have kids make a list of five things that make them feel silly, angry, grown up, or anything they want.

  • 7. Housework Hustle    
    Turn household chores into a dance party to clean it like you mean it. Dancing and singing together as kids straighten their rooms, put away their toys, make the beds, and more turns daily tasks into a fun and active bonding experience amongst families.

  • 8.Indoor Baseball  
    Any season can be baseball season with a little creativity and the right supplies. Grab a cardboard tube from wrapping paper leftovers to use as a bat, blow up a balloon for a ball – an easier target for kids to hit, and start loading up the bases to play ball.

  • 9.Inital Game  
    Have kids put their brains to work in this word game! Pick an easy five-letter word and write it vertical on a lined sheet of paper. Then select a category and give each child five minutes (or more for younger children) to write down as many words related to that category as they can, beginning with the letters in the vertical word. For example, if the category is animals, kids write one animal for each letter of the word. Score one point for each name the child comes up with; two points for each name no one repeats.

  • 10. Let's Roll 
    Help practice some big number counting with the roll of the dice. Roll dice and then let kids put the dice in order to make the highest number possible. You can even turn it into a game in which each child rolls and writes down his/her big number; The child with the highest number
  • Let kids enjoy the fun indoor by themself, and we can our work, housework, reading or leave alone to thinking without kid's disturbance.
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