How to Decorate a Scandinavian-Inspired Nursery

Today I show you a bright, clean and modern space with accents in black and grey and simple graphic patterns. If Scandinavian style is something you really like and want to use it for decorating your baby bedroom.

Nordic style is always associated with pure lines, a simplicity of forms and plenty of natural light. Like the mum who decorates this nursery, start with a blank canvas. In a Scandinavian-inspired room walls, ceiling and sometimes even furniture are painted in white or very light neutral colours.

She chose a black & white scheme for her baby’s bedroom, with some touches of grey, mint and blue to soften the look slightly without taking away from the modern lines. If you prefer, you can also try with muted pink or other pale colour.

Go easy on the accessories. A high-quality blanket, a fun, stylish ambient lighting and posters work well with this style. In this case, you’ll find some Ferm Living and Oyoy cushions, a Fine Little Day‘s baby blanket and some sweet prints.

With a baby at home, sure you’ll need some storage solutions. Fabric or paper bags are ideal for storing small toys, books or teddy bears. A house-shaped shelf displays small items; you can put on figurines, wooden details or baby accessories.

Playing with textures in your decorating can be just as interesting as playing with colour. In this nursery, you can find rich textures from the rug, the baby blanket to the fabric bag, creating a more interesting and warmth ambiance.

Do you like Scandinavian style? Or fo you prefer a colourful room?  Looking forward for your comments.

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